尽管最近电动汽车上路的数量创下了纪录, a niche area of mobility is about to be transformed as the world’s first electric snowmobile makes its international debut.  

加拿大初创企业泰加汽车公司, 总部设在蒙特利尔, 是由工程师塞缪尔·布鲁诺(Samuel Bruneau)于2015年创立的, 加布里埃尔·伯纳切斯和保罗·阿查德. The team met while at university and began to experiment with their own electric powertrain for a race car.  

Their attention soon turned to winter sports – and they’re now gearing up to introduce a clean yet powerful vehicle for the great outdoors. 

“The two-stroke engines on conventional snowmobiles are up to 50 times more polluting than average cars,布鲁诺说。, 公司的首席执行官, 在访问斯堪的纳维亚半岛之后.  

“Our electric snowmobile cuts emissions to zero and enables a completely different riding experience that is more connected to the elements. It’s like skiing in powder but with 100 horsepower at your disposal,” he explains.  


针叶林汽车’ electric snowmobile comes in three different models and has been designed to outperform the polluting two-stroke engine in any usage scenario, 从私人娱乐和狩猎到雪地巡逻和山地救援. 

在寻找合适的全电动汽车测试市场的过程中, 布鲁诺和他的团队与斯吉达达成了合作关系, PG电子官方免费下载最大的滑雪胜地运营商.  

PG电子官方免费下载 has a strong community of snowmobile riders who enjoy their traditional snowmobiles. Taiga wants to use a collaborative approach to promote a transition to sustainable snowmobiling without diminishing enjoyment of the sport.” 

我们正在准备全面生产和推出. 作为旗舰合作伙伴, SkiStar will evaluate several units of the snowmobile at their ski resorts and help us with feedback.  


除了将排放降至零之外, 针叶林汽车’ electric snowmobile will eliminate both noise pollution and the unpleasant smell of exhaust that often clashes with pristine winter environments.  

不像汽车和其他运动车辆, 雪地摩托在严酷的冬季条件下需要高的持续动力. This means that batteries and engines can easily overheat as snowmobiles tend to go full throttle for several minutes or even an hour at a time. 

Thermal management, says Bruneau, has been a major challenge in the development phase. 

“We’ve had to do a lot of ground up development on battery, heating and integration systems. We’ve also built a powertrain that uses standard battery cells in order to tap into the fast-growing automotive supply chain.” 


“我们对供应商的意愿感到惊喜, 合作伙伴和政府帮助我们作为一家初创公司. PG电子官方免费下载 is a key market for us and there is a collaborative atmosphere in e-mobility. 当涉及到环境解决方案时,人们是非常开放的.”



Zero pollution, no noise or gas smells, and no engine maintenance or spark plug changes. The upside of going electric is unmistakable and 针叶林汽车 estimates that snowmobile owners will save around USD 2,每年的运营成本. 


“The snowmobile’s range will be 96-140 km and it uses the same connectors as any electric car,布鲁诺指出. “你可以使用现有的基础设施或从墙上的插头充电. 我们还希望在战略位置安装快速充电站, so riders can stop for lunch or coffee and go back out on the trail after twenty minutes.” 

针叶林汽车 and SkiStar are currently testing the zero-emission snowmobile across PG电子官方免费下载’s largest alpine destinations.